Monday, April 26, 2010

Springtime Arrives in the Backyard

The signs of spring have been coming daily here in the backyard. We are never disappointed if we go outside and sit for a while. The birds get busy entertaining us. They are building nests, feeding babies, or they are just on their way to their summer homes further north. We have seen the Rose Breasted Grosbeak, but didn't get his picture. We haven't given up hope to see him again. Last year 6 pairs stayed here about 2 weeks. The Orchard Oriole has been here too, but was camera shy, and we missed him. Others are pictured below:

Baltimore Oriole eating an orange we provided to entice them to stop by.

This Carolina Wren built a nest inside our patio nesting box.

A male Northern Cardinal is a regular,
also pictured is the American Goldfinch male.
The Eastern Bluebird is always good to stop by and entertain us.
Mealworms tempted this male Eastern Bluebird
to come very close to us for a meal for his babies.
The colorful Painted Bunting male
has come to the yard again this spring.
He enjoys white millet seeds,
and we provide them just for him!
The female Painted Bunting has come to the feeder for the first time,
as far as we know. It was a surprise to find out that she is green!

The male Baltimore Oriole

The little blue jewel is what we call this handsome fellow.
Indigo Bunting male

Try bird watching... it's a stress buster, and very enjoyable.

Monday, April 5, 2010

The Easter Sunrise Service

Easter is the major event on the Christian calendar,
and after spending many mornings watching the sun rise across
our pasture for a number of years Wayne and I thought
we'd see if our church would like for us to host a Sunrise Service.
We volunteered, and they accepted.
Then the planning began... where would we set it up?
What would be a good altar, and what in the world
would we do with our puppies while everyone arrived,
and where would they stay during the service?
First we got busy getting the yard back into order after
the months of winter wrecked havoc on it. Then we collected
chairs from around the yard, sprayed some of them with bug spray,
to evict the ants and spiders which had taken up residence in them.
We organized the furniture somewhat with BeBe watching it well done.
Then washed away dirt and spider webs.
Beau inspected Wayne's handiwork

Questions kept arising...Would we be able to see the sunrise?
What could we do with our puppies???
Would we have temperatures so cold we'd need to stay inside?
Would it RAIN? What would we do if it was, or it did?
We'd be having continental breakfast afterward
in the house, so that had to be readied, too.
With that done, we went to bed Saturday night
questioning what we'd forgotten to do.
We were up way before dawn
to complete the final details
hoping to help to make this
a very special Easter Sunday morning.

At about 6:30 a.m. members and friends began to arrive.
While we waited until time to begin,
Wayne lit the candles on our altar.
At last, it was 7:00, and we began. Jean welcomed everyone,

Emily Adams lead us in our call to worship,
Jean gave the Invocation,
then Emily read a scripture from the new testament.
I Corinthians 15: 19 - 26
Next we sang, "Because He Lives."
Holy Communion was celebrated.
Jean was assisted by Elaine Hilburn.
Winston Simms and his two daughters, Linda and Lillian
were among the first...
Each in turn received the sacrament.
As we all received communion, the sun peeked through
the large oak tree across the field behind our altar.
Wayne and I were the last to be served.

Alleluia was sung as our closing chorus,
and our Pastor gave the Benediction.
Wayne and I may have provided the location, and set up the place,
but the Sunrise Service of Worship and Holy Communion
could not have been as inspirational or moving
for us without the people who came to celebrate with us,
or without our Pastor, Jean Ferraro
who lead us in this joyful recognition of Jesus' Resurrection.
I'm also pleased to report that our puppies
were very well mannered, and stayed in their
little room in the garage without a whimper
(for most of the 3 hours) and they were well rewarded!